Taking Action Together
for the Future
It’s a philosophy of coaching that brings together a community of people stimulated to take action on various social issues, such as the environment, education, social injustice, health and well-being. Above all, it’s a caring, human experience that helps us to define success together.
- Taking action: an invitation to people from all walks of life to undertake actions that are meaningful to them;
- Together: welcoming others into the realization of our dreams and passions, and seeing ourselves carried along by a collective greater than ourselves;
- for the future: because the future is now, and all forms of self-contribution help to make the world richer for our presence.
About AED
The Accompagnateur entrepreneurial Desjardins (AED) accompanies the UdeS community and its partners in undertaking, with others, the implementation of actions with a critical conscience. It’s an invitation to people to act with a better understanding of the world around them.
We facilitate the implementation of these actions by supporting people from:
- The UdeS who want to develop and implement the entrepreneurial spirit and action;
- Sherbrooke’s three colleges that have initiatives to promote entrepreneurship;
- stakeholders in the entrepreneurial ecosystem of the UdeS and the greater Sherbrooke region;
- Partner organizations that aim to multiply enriching experiences through entrepreneurship.
Our values
Joy transcends pleasure and invites self-affirmation and the power to act in a quest for a better relationship with oneself and the world.
Welcoming ourself and others
These welcomes are breathed from postures of listening, openness, inclusiveness, introspection, recognition and humility.
Action that brings people together
Action sets people in motion towards common goals and the realization of a collective work rooted in shared values.
Respect for living beings
Humans are part of a living species that also shapes and organizes our interpretation of the world. Joy, acceptance of self and others, and collective action all depend on an organic system larger than ourselves.
Do you want to push a project idea further and don’t know where to start?
Whether it’s a desire to do things differently and rethink things around you through a project, the wish to start a new business or organization, or simply the joy of making projects and putting your creativity forward… AED can help.
Here are some basic tools and must-haves to help structure your approach!
Project Model Canvas (PMC)
The PMC is inspired by the Business Model Canvas (BMC), which has become a must-have for all types of projects. The PMC allows you to structure your thoughts and actions around the nine components of business model thinking, and innovates by taking a more in-depth look at the questions to ask on the impact of your project.